

LAIT DORE/GOLDEN MILK - lait au Curcuma







Ce n'est pas surprenant que le Curcuma soit considéré comme un remède très populaire pour tout!

Rhumes, grippe, migraines, maux de gorge, différentes inflammations, etc...

Tout peut être soigné grâce aux propriétés anti-inflammatoires et antioxydante du Curcuma.

Là médecine ayurvédique utilise le Curcuma pour la santé et le bien-être depuis très très longtemps.


Le GOLDEN MILK, lait doré, est très facile à préparer:


- 1 tasse de lait bio cru, ou de "non-lait" (lait de riz, lait d'amandes, etc)

- une demi cuillère à café de Curcuma en poudre et d'autres épices si nécessaire (voir*)


Mettre les ingrédients dans une casserole, porter à ébullition pendant quelques minutes, filtrer, boire!


* vous pouvez ajouter:



1) une càc de ghee pour améliorer la fonction intestinale

2) une pincée de muscade pour bien dormir et digérer (la muscade est carminative)

3) une pincée de gingembre en poudre pour l'action anti-inflammatoire

4) une pincée de cannelle ou de cardamome pour améliorer le goût!

5) une demi cuillère à café de miel (mais à ajouter dans le lait tiède et pas chaud et surtout ne mettre la même quantité de ghee et de miel car en Ayurveda c'est toxique!)







Anti carcinogène

Équilibre le cholestérol

Améliore la digestion

Detoxifiant du foie

Améliore le métabolisme

Améliore la mémoire et la fonction cérébrale

Traite les maladies de la peau


Selon l'Ayurveda le Curcuma a un goût amer, astringent et piquant, et a une qualité chauffante. Il équilibre les Doshas Kapha, Vata et Pitta, c'est donc une épice TRIDOSHIQUE.


Clara Campanelli




English version


Turmeric “Golden” Milk ~ An Ayurvedic Elixir


It’s to no surprise to that turmeric has fast become a popular remedy for just about everything that ails you.

Traditionally, turmeric milk has been used for conditions such as colds, congestion, headaches, and sore throats due to tumeric’s anti-inflammtory and anti-oxidant properties.

What is more interesting is that Ayurveda [and other ancient systems of medicine] have used turmeric for health and wellness since for as long as historical records have existed.


Turmeric “Golden” Milk Is Extremely Simple To Make!

– 1 cup of whole organic milk, preferably non-homogenized

– 1/2 tsp of dried turmeric Turmeric

– Helps Purify The Blood & Acts As An Antioxidant!!


Turmeric is one of the oldest, most important spices known to humankind.

Turmeric is bitter, astringent and pungent in taste, and has a heating quality.

Due to its heating quality, turmeric helps to balance Kapha and Vata doshas (mind-body types), and due to its bitter taste, it helps to balance the Pitta dosha, thus making it tri-doshic.


Very Very Easy To Make!

1. Place milk in a saucepan and cook over medium heat

2. Add turmeric [and additional spices, see below] and stir

3. Allow the milk to simmer for just a few minutes, stirring occasionally

4. Turn off heat, cover, allow the mixture to sit for several minutes to allow for greater infusion

5. Strain the milk through a strainer if fresh ingredients were used

6. Serve warm and enjoy


Want To Spice It Up?

Turmeric is a bitter spice so if you want to spice it up and make your turmeric milk more flavorful then consider spicing it up with a pinch of this and a dash of that. Depending upon what you are attempting to target, here are several other considerations to help spice up your turmeric golden milk.

– 1 tsp of ghee which acts as a laxative to help promote bowel function

– 1 pinch of nutmeg helps promote sound sleep & is also a carminative

– 1 pinch of ginger to act as an anti-inflammatory

– 1 pinch of cinnamon and/or cardamom for delectable flavoring


Word Of Caution Regarding Honey & Ghee: Finally, you may also want to consider adding a 1/2 tsp of honey for flavoring. However ~ a word of caution. According to Ayurveda, equal amounts of honey and ghee [based upon weight] is considered to be toxic and should generally be avoided.


Additional Benefits Of Turmeric: Anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, antiseptic,analgesic,. Boosts immunity. Anti-carcinogenic. Helps maintain cholesterol levels. Promotes digestive health. Liver detoxifier. Regulates metabolism and weight management. High blood pressure. Memory and brain function. Various skin conditions. Neurological disorders



Clara Campanelli



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